Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: phoned Andre Goumount (Director)

Let me put forward my take on this; ignore it or expand it:

1. K have done their homework in Ecuador well. Following

their Ruski pattern, they made a deal with the locals to

reserve soem 25% to the locals - the political risk is

reduced substantially; locals are being compensated

'legally" (no buyers commsion, illegal in Canada, eh) and this makes a good sell for the new government/constitution.

creating jobs.

2. to forestall political pressure from the ground in Ecuador

they agressively did shortsell (no gringos buying out our

national treasure);

3. Cut-in ("buy) Aurelain management to take their

pickings (legally) as honchos in Kinross Ecuadoriana LTDA;

so you get those 15M shares to offset the shortsales

4. the only angle to be covered are the little shareholder

idiots in Canada - AND WE WILL SOON KNOW WHERE


5. PiCTURE COMPLETE; everyone (who counts) is happy

and we all celebrate the ingenuity of Knross's top brain -

getting ready for the new Hospital Wing in his name



PS good night Canada!

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