Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: !0 Million Shares....Confirmati... from Marla

Got a reply from Marla and she said that she confirmed with her legal counsel that Kinross will be able to tender the 15 Million Shares towards their own offer.....

OK, thanks for clearing that up.


Imagine I'm the president of Ecuador, a tiny nation somewhere in South America. I'm trailing the polls in a very tough election against some upstart named Rafael Panecillo, who looks just like a movie star, and who sings and plays the guitar. All the women love him. Me? I'm just this fat bald guy with sweaty palms, so I know I'm going to lose badly, unless I take drastic action. But dios mio! What can I do....?

Then I have this flash of inspiration! I can grant citizenship (and free tickets to the next futbol) to every Colombian refugee living in my country. Pure genius! The place is swarming with Colombian refugees, and they all love futbol! How can I lose?

Man, is that a funny story or what? I really ought to write the humor section for El Comercio, don't you think? I know their readers find these kind of stories hillarious. After all, irony is one of your four basic food groups in Ecuador.

ebear..... el oso espectacularrrrrrr!

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