Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: !0 Million Shares....Confirmation from Marla

guys... i think even if they upgrade everything to the max. It will never reflect the potential of the property. I am all for a higher bid. But if you really want this share to rise, you have to get our ship aurelian to sail in other waters around the FDN... upgrading / lower cut off / resource analysis will only get you so far ...

just my 2 cent.

ps. just a reminder. i am for the buy out, at a much higher price. but i dont think we can prove Kinross that we have the goods (on paper). so i am against a buyout in this current status...

just a thought... why not wait a couple of years, what's the rush.

psps. sorry if these thoughts have been repeated 1000 times. cant be bothered to read every single post anymore, costing me too much time. tip for the hubleaders. maybe its time to list some links, to good posts, like safeharbours time schedule (from the crows nest)...

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