Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Could we focus on the fella ecuadorian politician...

Re: Could we focus on the fella ecuadorian politician...(Correc...

posted on Aug 07, 2008 03:49AM

Someone remove the last version (I am truely sorry for repeating this, but after a reread, i felt i wasnt doing this forum justice with my shitty grammer/spelling...sorry again...)

There was an article way back a few days. Which mentioned a high official in ecuadorian politics. He had said something like, he welcomes the Kinross bid. I think we could judge from this comment, that Ecuador doesnt have the slightest clue what is happening here. Not only are we being screwed over, but Ecuador is too. Some company is trying to not only steal ARU not from us, but from Ecuador.

Any way we know all this. But truthfully how can we be proud to be in a country where the politicians dont focus on mergers long enough to see they are getting fked too. It seems as though we the shareholders are doing alot of work to prevent the free market some screwing us over. Shouldnt we be getting politicians in on our side (we are talking about at least 10% of the value of ecuadors mining industry). And make them pissed off at the fact that companies are bidding so low for this wonderful project in a WONDERFUL country, instead of focussing on the supposedly handsome amounts of cash flowing their way, which could be MUCH MORE!

We are in the free market, but no one is standing up to tell everyone the truth except us and although now a couple of PR's have started to trickle out. Politicians seem numb, only to view mergers as a good sign for the future, when the details of the mergers are being overlooked. I believe that the big guys in Ecuador could send out messages not to support this deal because they SHOULD know by now the little investors who have put there heart and soul into this company are not being rewarded for their risk....

dont know it all this tallies up in a correct statement... hope the thoughts are some what interesting non the less...

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