Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Great Post Safeharbour

Great Post Safeharbour

posted on Aug 07, 2008 10:06PM

Agree with everything you said, lets all the shareholders, retail and institutional stick together and get a FAIR price for Aru. or should i say FDN-BLP and a spin off explorer. Do not give in, do not sell until we get a price WORTHY of this gold discovery. Disovery of the century or the last twenty years.

I would just love to find out whats going on behind closed doors, because this bid by Kinross is so lame i just can't believe our management would be in favour of it and recommend it to the shareholders. Not a chance.

So as we all see lets stick together as a TEAM and make changes in OUR company for what we have discovered. We have the power to make the changes in the future of AURELIAN as shareholders (RETAIL AND INSTITUTIONAL) to get a fair price and contribute to the Ecuadorian economy, in a fair, equitable and environmentally friendly mine.

And yes i've tipped a few tonight watching the CFL. Wes

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