Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Was this our Kinross

Was this our Kinross

posted on Aug 10, 2008 02:04PM

The Parish Board and other authorities and organizations Torata, have complained through various offices to the Directorate of Mining and Environment of El Oro, the catchment area of water for human consumption in the populations of Torata, La Chilca, PlayĆ³n and Lemon Beach, belonging to the canton Santa Rosa, are being affected by the exploration work carried out by the mining company Kinross ECUADOR. In form the majority population in the area has expressed its opposition to mining because here are creeks that feed the drinking water systems, including the city of Santa Rosa across the river Guayabo. . Allegations have been accompanied by photographs showing the destruction of the forest within 100 meters of water harvesting and damage to the site by opening a road for the exploration work. On Monday, 25 February, the population of Torata proceeded to close the Pan American for 2 hours as a rejection of the indifference of the authorities address the complaints.

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