Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: New Mining Law out in Spanish only - anyone seen thhis yet?

It would be of interest to learn exactly what date it was that the Mining Law was posted on the Gov't site. Was it just posted the last 48 hrs or has it been sitting there for some time, being amended when necessary.

It IS posted there indicating it's a DRAFT - isn't it?

Even if it's been put up on the site within a day or so, the Kinross CEO is intelligent enough to have met with Correa privately prior to making the Bid and would have learned first hand the answers to the pertinent questions he had prepared beforehand.

No Company could have made a bid without being very close to 100% confident the terms w/b favourable. Of course it goes without saying that any Company accepting a bid would have knocked himself out to get the same information from Correa so he has full knowledge of the future risk to guage what it is he's selling and why. Patrick, in what I read, intimated he was very close to the Gov't sources. He just HAD to have had relatively firm knowledge of the Plans. Moreso than any other company in the area because of the size. I'm just so confused as to his "goal" that necessitated the sale of ARU. It doesn't make sense to me and then more important, the way he's orchestrated the sale. He's done his best, at the request of Kinross, to agree to block any other bids. This doesn't seem to me to be the work of what I presume is a highly intelligent/educated individual.

Someone suggested we refer Kinross to certain Posts. I hope we don't decide to do that. I don't want an increased bid ... not from Kinross. 18 days to 03Sept.

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