Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Thoughts for the day

Thoughts for the day

posted on Aug 20, 2008 06:41AM

Kinross and our BOD cooked up this deal to be low enough that it begged a counter offer, yet legitimate enough not to warrant jail time...a fine line to walk.

They accepted the deal so that the clock started ticking, otherwise, Aurelian would take 100% of the political risk right up until the point where a major needed it badly enough to have to move on it

They made it to be a friendly merger to negate any poison pill usage.

They withheld drill cores and Micon update so that the bid did not look overly foolish and out of line.

Keith Barron resigned from the BOD so that his 14 million shares would not be locked up in the management lock down, and also allowed him to meet with potential bidders to facilitate the next offer(s). He's the guy driving the car. He's the guy on the outside.

Regardless of the outcome, I will not give Patrick and the BOD any more credit than that as they lined their pockets in a win win scenario. If the retails get screwed, they win, if the retails win, well good for them. They left us hanging out to dry.

We know the majors need ounces to replace the gold they are taking out of the ground daily. Their production numbers are going down, and cost per ounce going up. No question one 20 million ounce find beats 10 small ones.

It would be interesting to hear how either Barrick or Newmont explain at their next AGM why they passed on the greatest find in 10-20 years when the price was dirt cheap. In a couple of years when ARU goes into production, and gold is $2000 an oz. explain to me then how $40+ a share was too expensive.

Kinross has the ability to match any hostile offer. But if the bid is beyond their capacity to match, Kinross must vote their 15 million shares toward the superior deal.

Now, who will make the 2nd offer? Will it be enough to take it? or will offer #3 sitting in the weeds cap it off. Or will we have a bidding war. A poker game? or war.

Mining friendly laws about to be made public and voted in. There will be no question then. No excuses from the majors to their shareholders. And no political discount on our share price. That's any time after Sep 28. We can count the days. Also remember that 180 day limit. Oct 16th.

Serious business. Way too serious to let slide by. If majors wanted Bema they would have taken it. Why pay for a lot of slime and shell rather than just paying for the pearl.

Our hard work is making some waves. Strength in numbers. Raise the cannon hatches. The good ship Aurelian is preparing to attack.

I feel the wind picking up. Raise the colours....and bring me my red shirt.


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