Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Good news & Bad news

Good news & Bad news

posted on Aug 22, 2008 07:28AM

Does anybody else notice that in todays reporting you can never judge the content of an article by it's headline and that most of the really interesting information the authorities wish to hide is mentioned at the very end of the article.

This is because as I mentioned before, in a study it was determined that 60% of people only read the headline and the first few sentances of any news article. That no doubt, does not leave a very high percentage of readers who actually read the whole article.

Take for instance the latest press release from management. All the really really interesting information was at the end of the release.

For example, the following information is useless. No azimuth or dip is given along with the one hole "OF SEVERAL DEEP DRILL HOLES" reported. I for one am VERY interested in finding out what the other deep drill holes hit. All this tell us is that some hole, drilled in some mysterious direction at some mysterious angle did not hit anything down to 1,343.

A suspicious mind might start to begin thinking up conspiracy theories over such vaguely worded and uninformative information released on such important holes.

/The first of several deep drill holes, (CP-08-219), has been completed on section 583500N, designed to test for the offset part of the FDN deposit at depth on the west side of the west fault. The hole was stopped at 1,343m and failed to intersect any epithermal mineralization of significance./

The very important significance of the following information must not be disregarded. The significant this information is that they hit over a core length of 344m (huge) .37g/t AU and 4.8 g/t Ag. It was in EPITHERMAL quartz-carbonate sulphide STOCKWORK veining and Brecation in andesite down to a DEPTH of 668m. The grades are not what is of the most importance in this information.

Stockwork veining are those smaller veins that come of the main vein much like the branches come of the trunk of a large oak. The very fact that such a vast length of them (344m) was intersepted on the hole that just happened to be orientated at a steeper dip speaks volumes to me of the size of the main veins that these stock work veins came off of. The very fact that they also have hit them at a depth of up to 644m tells me that this deposit certainly does extend to depth in my opinion. The hole with the steeper dip hit the longest lengths and better grades which certainly coincides with the more vertical nature of this deposit. If ARU has not already found the extension to depth then they are certainly are getting very very close.

/Results for drilling designed to test for mineralization east of FDN was received with two holes (CP-08-226 and CP-08-234) having been completed. Both holes intersected a broad zone of low grade epithermal mineralization that starts approximately 300m east of the FDN deposit and is characterized by weak epithermal quartz-carbonate-sulphide stockwork veining and brecciation in andesite. The two holes were both orientated to the east (azimuth 90°) and had dips of 55° (CP-08-226) and 50° (CP-08-234). At a 0.1 g/t Au lower cut, no upper cut and including up to 11m of internal waste, drill hole CP-08-226 returned an interval from 333.46m to 677.90m of 344.44m @ 0.37 g/t Au and 4.8 g/t Ag which includes 29.60m @ 0.95 g/t Au and 11.2 g/t Ag from 450m to 479.60m. Drill hole CP-08-234 returned an interval from 178.33m to 473.73m of 295.40m @ 0.18 g/t Au and 4.1 g/t Ag. The mineralization has not been intersected close to the surface and is buried below the post-mineralization Hollin formation sandstone which is estimated at up to 80m thick./

This was the most important information in my view given in this release.

The reasons for management proceeding with the following course of action makes no sense to me at all. If I was thinking of investing in a company that then did this, then I personally would not invest in it.

Proceeding to drill ten holes out in the middle of knowwhere in the hopes of finding mineralization and to understand the structure of the pull apart basin better is a very large waste of shareholder capital in my opinion. In my opinion one would think that those holes would have been far better spent continueing to shore up FDN deposit and understanding the structure of the deposit they know they have.

My opinion on the effectiveness of poking 10 holes in a 12 by 2 KM basin. Hoping somehow to find mineralization or somehow give you better understanding of the pull apart basin structure above the years of mapping and drilling ARU has already done is hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

A person, with a suspicious mind, might think it was done instead in order that ARU can claim they have done required work, in order to maintain the most prospective of there land holdings under the requirements of the new mining law.

/In addition, ten holes have been completed in the Suarez pull-apart basin as part of a three fence program drilled to test for buried mineralization and to better understand structures within this 2km by 12km sediment filled basin. The fences are very widely spaced, approximately 2 to 3 km apart and located at approximately 9581400N, 9579500N and 9576800N. Only two holes were completed on the southern fence before the Mining Mandate suspended drilling operations in April. The ten holes have failed to intersect any epithermal mineralization of significance./

Aru cancells the air geomagnetic survey after aprox 3% completed, supposedly because of the mining mandate suspension. I wonder if that air survey just happened to cover the pull apart basin hahahahaha.

Aru used to give very technical and valuable information on the geological mapping and sampling they did on all there vast concessions. They then for some mysterious reason removed this information from there site.

I am sure it is all just another coinsidence.

However a person with a suspicious mind, might begin to think, ARU removed the important geological information from there site in order to stop it from falling into the wrong hands, in case they were to lose some of there concessions. Concessions that they might want to rebid for in the future. It certainly would make things easier for ARU with its knowledge to bid for the prime consessions.

A suspicious person might also begin to think that another reason for the airborne geomagnetic survey being cancelled by ARU is because management is not sure of what concessions other than the pull apart basin they will be able to retain.

The bad news is, that in my opinion, I believe now there is a very good chance ARU will loose some concessions. I guess it is too much to expect a governement, that needs to create jobs, bring in money to the treasury, get a mining industry up and running, to allow a small explorer to retain soley, a land package that coud amount to the Carlin trend along with the luxury of spending 15 to 20 years to explore it.

The Good news is that ARU is being given ZERO value in my opinion for it's land package and a rediculous low valuation on its FDN property, also in my opinion. If ARU is given the opportunity to bid for its concessions along with others in a auction then with there knowledge they will have a large advantage over the rest of the bidders.

Thus if my thoughts with regards to ARU losing some of its concessions prove to be true. Then it really should have no effect on our share price, logically speaking. However, our shareprice has on many occasions not reacted logically hahahahahahahaha.



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