Aurelian Retail Shareholders
CEO, CFO, Chairman and Complete Board of Directors
Applicants without honesty, integrity, or testicles need not apply.
We are looking for a team that is actually looking out for the best interest of the shareholders.
Not one that is more concerned with lining their own pockets. Remuneration will be based on
the same rewards received by the shareholders. No special treatment.
No hiring of fellow cronies or Bay Street old boys network
without prior approval by shareholders.
If you have any special buddy you want to cut in on this deal, please do not apply.
Please make yourself aware of the OSC and SEC regulations as they will be enforced.
If you are given options, report them, on time. Not the day after an OSC investigation starts.
If you cut a sweet deal behind our back, you had better watch your back.
We’ll hunt you down like the dog you are.
We the shareholders look forward to receiving your applications.