Personally if the K deal fails I for one would prefer not seeing a renewed bid from K nor a bid from anyone else.
We have funds in the Bank (I hope it's still there), we can get rid of these (sorry can't think of a suitable description) Directors, see if Keith Barron would be interested in returning and finding suitable people he'd like to work with, and mine the bloody thing ourselves.
This is a Life Dream of every Miner and every Investor.
I'd love to see it drilled out, developed, and producing through to a profitable Mine.
We're all more than likely over weight in this investment, moreso I bet than any other we've ever been involved in. As such as the value appreciates, we can sell off what is needed to live a comfortable ripe old age.
Those of us that are already old and in the ripening stage, can go to the great beyond happy they succeeded in investing in "The Big One" while their Beneficiaries can reflect how smart they were picking stocks. LOL
As to what the price does if the K bid fails, I'd bet the sh value would get to say 7.50 - 8 and appreciate over the rest of the year - never to see the 5 - 6 area again.
Enough of this Dreaming! LOL Dreaming is what got us ino this mess!