I have found why I could never find anything on the TSX website...
you need to go to www.iiroc.ca Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada
"IIROC regulates securities trading and market-related activities of participants on Canadian equity marketplaces - stock exchanges, quotation and trade reporting systems (QTRSs) and alternative trading systems (ATSs).
The Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX) is Canada's senior equities market, consisting of a broad cross-section of Canadian issuers. TSX administers, monitors compliance with and enforces all other Exchange requirements.
What IIROC does
IIROC provides the following services for TSX:
- Administering and enforcing the Universal Market Integrity Rules (UMIR), and providing guidance on UMIR's application
- Monitoring and reviewing trade desk procedures of persons accessing the TSX trading system
- Imposing and lifting trading halts or delays relating to market integrity matters and coordinating halts or delays with other marketplaces
- Administering TSX's timely disclosure requirements
- As requested by TSX, investigating and enforcing suspected breaches of other TSX requirements"
I suggest that anyone that is concerned about the treatment of stockholders by the unfair collusive offer by the "team" of Kinross/Aru Management & BOD" file a complaint with the IIROC....