Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: The Deal

The Deal

posted on Aug 27, 2008 11:04AM

First they take out the majority of the retailers, then the traders and finally the big sharks feast on the smaller sharks while using the few retailers and traders left as an appetizer hahahahaha.

My prediction of almost 2 years ago, that only the big boys and those few mentally tough investors who are able to play with them would be left holding this stock at the end appears to have come to pass.

I believe with the lengths that the MM have had to go to in order to accomplish this, it was no easy task for them. Congradulations to all those who have managed to hang tough.

K will be in my opinion very lucky if they come out with 20% of ARU.

This bid is not about getting people to tender there shares, it is about getting them to sell in the open market. Which if you look at the volume since it was announced, especially in the following few days of the announcement, a huge percentage of ARU traded hands.

A huge percentage of ARU also changed hands with the announcement of the supposed Mining Mandate suspension. Especially in the first 5 days following the announcement. A suspension that seems to me in my opinion, from the information I have, to effected ARU operations much more than others hmmmmmmm.

Then again, in my opinion, with 20 years of mining experience to back it up, with the amount of DD holes ARU has already drilled in this deposit. There was no real reason for them to continue further DD hole exploration from the surface anyway.

If this turns out to be the case, how convenient and what a coincidence hahahahahaha.

The following is a basic story outline I will title THE DEAL for a fictional (intrigue) book I am thinking of writing, any simularities to actual events or people are purely coinsidental.

The appropriate blackmail, conspiracy, sex, politics, danger and murder will be spread liberally throughout this story to really make it an exciting intrigue book hahahahahahaha.

It is about what a socially consciuos El Presidente of a small, poor, South American country. With a mandate given to him by the electorate for the elimination of corruption in governement and to bring prosperity to the average person.

He knows that somehow he must show progress and distinguish himself from preceeding administrations or his chances of remaining El Presidente are very slim.

He first determines what strengths his country has, hard working populace, agriculture, modest oil exporter and for the most part, totally unexplored for minerals.

These are good things to have while the world is deperate for commodities.

The disadvantages are, people are poor, country saddled with debt from previous corrupt administrations, populous is fairly uneducated. These are not so good, but can be overcome by creating industry and putting the people to work.

In order to change anything in a society, first the old guard must be ousted. This is not hard for El presidente since he is a relative ousider, thus he announces a referendum to change the constitution of the country and declare the present congress illegitimate.

The people wishing desperately for change vote for this, thus in one stroke he is able to rid the system of the most powerful and corrupt of the government officials.

He then announces that an assembly of people, voted in by the public, from there area's, to represent there interests will rewrite the constitution to reflect the people's will.

He then appoints as the head of this assembly a close friend who's veiws are simular to his and that could be trusted to create new laws that will reflect reality and what El Presidente thinks needs to be done.

In the mean time while all this is going on, El Presidente would be showing results in other area's and looking to maximize revenue from the countries strenghts.

He goes after the oil industry. An easy target that would gain him large support from the populace because the oil industry in this particular country has been a very poor corporate citizen.

It has not created jobs as promised, has created environmntal damage because of poor oversite, is a large reason for this countries debt, while most of the profits found its way into the oil companies and corrupt officials hands.

El Presidente asks to have preceeding contracts that were negotiated by bribe, renegotiated . If the oil companies do not agree, he would threaten to confiscate these properties, an easy thing to do for a country once a oil field has been drilled off and producing.

El presidente asks for a larger piece of the pie and more importantly the right to market the oil. This is because in a time when oil is a much sought after commodity, he that markets the product ( controls it sale) is just as important as he that produces it.

This would immediately increase the countries revenue, make the populous happy as some old scores are settled and differentiate El Presidente from previous administration.

At the same time El Presidente assures the asian oil industry that there agreements under newly signed contracts would be honoured in order to attract new exploration investment. Thus El Presidente would not have to relie only on western oil companies whom he does not trust.

El Presidente would also invite asian infrastructure companies into the country to build the required facilities in order to supply them with required commodities this country plans to produces. He does this because he does not particularly trust western companies and most of this countries future trade will be with asia.

In order to address the national debt, a debt that El Presidente beleived was illegitamate because it was given knowingly to corrupt officials that then pocketed most of it. He comes up with a plan whereby he manipulates the price of these bonds. Knowing full well that most governments manipulate the supposedly free markets all the time (he just happening to be a trained economist) usually almost alway's for the benefit of the private lobby groups. He would manupulate the price of his countries bonds in the same way, but for the benefit of the country. He thus jawbone's the price of the bonds down by issuing statements that he planned on defaulting on this illegitimate debt. He has his treasury buy the debt back, then let the bonds rise by actually making the required payments. He repeats these statements every so often and thus very profitably trades the swings, a sure thing when you are in control of creating the news.

In order to create high paying jobs, with a populous thats overall education is limited. El Presidente would have to find an industry that is capable of doing this.

Luckily, for El Presidente, due to the fact that such an industry was discouraged by former administrations. This is because former administration officials wealth depended on agriculture and cheap labour. They did not wish to bring in an industry that would compete for there cheap labour and thus this country remained largely unexplored for minerals.

With the opening up of this country to mineral exploration it was determined by a few progressive exploration companies that El Presidente's country contained vast mineral wealth.

Unfortunately, the mining law that was imposed on this country by Western countries at the time it was written did not equitably share the revenue between state and company. Thus El Presidente determined a new more equitable mining law, had to be enacted.

This would be done by enlisting the aid of those mining companies operating in El Presidente's country and having proved themselves to be good corporate citizens. This would be require since these companies are invaluable in order to mine this mineral wealth since the country has very limited mining technology and personnel.

Those mining companies that had proved themselves poor corporate citizens would have there concessions revoked, this would further enhance El Presidente's image.

Under the old system, many concessions of land were given to corrupt government individuals and those people who had no intention to explore them.

In order to start a mining industry for the state, El Presidente determine he would need to enact laws to take these concessions back. In order that they could be issued to legitimate exploration companies. The reissuance of these concessions would further bring in revenue to the state from companies desperate for grassroots exploration in order to replace dwindling ore reserves.

With the huge success of a few exploration companies already operating in the state, the bidding for these newly opened up concessions would be fearce.

In the mean time while these new policies were being enacted, El Presidente determined how the state could further profit from this.

At present the state had limited revenue from the exhisting mining operations under current taxation laws. Therefore new mining laws would have to be written. El Presidente determined that these new laws must still be just and attractive to mining companies. This is because the country must compete with surrounding countries with established mining industries and attractive mining laws. If the laws were not favourable then the mining and exploration companies would not come and the much needed job creation that El Presidente needs would not materialize.

El Presidente decides that somehow he would still like to take a bigger stake in these few companies that have had great success to date in the country. His problem is, how to do this while not discouraging future mining investment.

There are ways other than taxation or nationalization for a state to take a stake in a company however. El Presidente reasons the can do it by buying up the the common shares of these companies on the open market.

Now during a time of uncertainty and change this could be easily accomplished El Presidente reasoned.

Of course the state would wish to get there stake for as little as possible. In order to do that El Presidente had certain officials make certain non mining friendly remarks at key times.

This El Presidente knew would panic already jittery investors in these companies into selling upon which the state would buy. Now since the process of changing all these laws will take some time, rather than just accumilate shares initially, it is determined by El Presidente, that it could be even more profitable if the state were to trade the swings.

Thus a certain trusted reporter was given interviews with key officials in order to create news that could influence the price direction of these stocks at key times.

In order to both trade and finally to accumilate shares, the state would require large volume traded in these companies stock in a relatively short period of time prior to the attractive mining laws coming out.

Thus El Presidente reasoned the state would have to create some outrageous news in order to further panic investors becoming immune after years of such games. Something like announcing a supposed ban on mining for 6 months should be enough to drive out all the speculative money. Especially if this was done in conjuction with a massive shorting campaign in order to collapse the share price of these companies, hitting stop losses and causing margin calls hahahahahahaha.

This would no doubt cause a massive sell off of shares of these companies upon which the state could start to accumilate its desired percentage over the next 6 months, El Presidente reasoned.

Now these companies being very, very attractive properties would garner takeover offers by major companies. Somehow this would have to be prevented while the state acquired the required percentages.

Since the companies who would be interested in such properties had already set up shop in the state, it would be only a small matter to send a representitive over to these companies offices and tell them that El Presidente would look unkindly upon them if they were to make an offer for these companies before the new mining laws are released.

It would be explained to them, how in there best interests for the success of any takeover bid they might wish to make or in aquiring exploration concessions, why they should hold off on any offer or acquiring shares on the open market till after the new mine laws are released.

Now because these deposits are so spectacular they had drawn the attention of many hardened investors. Something more ends up being required in order for El Presidente to aquire his desired stake in these companies.

El Presidente sends a representitives over to a mining company that has not the financial ability to aquire any of these properties and strikes a deal. A deal whereby this company would make an extremely lowball bid in return for which they could be granted certain attractive mining concessions or given a certain percentage of the take over company at a very small cost.

This is accomplished because there just happened to be a company with a presence in the state for a number of years.

This company had projects that needed to be financed in certain politically risky countries at the moment. This company determined that it would be difficult to arrange attractive financing under the present situation. This is especially true since a world wide finacial crisis was underway at the moment.

In order to do this deal, the take over company would have to go along with the plan. El Presidente reasons this could be arranged by convincing the takeover companies management that it was in there and there shareholders best interest to go along with such a deal.

Afterall, an attractive new mining law does not need to be enacted right away by El Presidente. Perhaps, even some excuse can be found to revoke the holders concession rights by present governement.

It would of course also go a long way to establishing trusting, mutually beneficial realations with the state, whose El Presidente, appears will be in power for a considerable time, if the management of these companies could also create other situations beneficial to the states objectives.

El Presidente who is a realist reasons that the state thus will get its stake and the companies involved will be able to raise much needed capital for mine and future exploration activities during a credit crunch. In his mind, the majority of people profit in the end. Those who loose out are those who ultimately sold, willingly, there shares on the open market.

The payoff for the state, El Presidente reasons would then come as new attractive mining laws are announced, the price of the states shares ( stake) rise, a takeover and bidding war starts with a big payout to those still with shares.

Mining investment poors into the country creating jobs and spin off industries. This creates the much needed jobs and provides a base for future manufacturing activity.

El Presidente goes on to be elected overwhelmingly for 2 more terms and becomes a national hero hahahahahahahahaha.

This is of course, only only a fictional story.



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