Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Gather Round Crew

Gather Round Crew

posted on Sep 02, 2008 05:22PM

On this eve of the Kinross defeat

it is time to reflect

I know there are some that have never been to battle before, and are not aware that the opposition do not always play by the rules

They can be quoted in national newspapers telling reporters absolutely anything they want, in the hopes that we don't have the interest or money to sue them

They expect us to roll over, accept 'the fact' that EVERYONE is behind the deal, and fall in line...drink their Kool ade

Well it doesn't happen that way any longer

We base our stance on common sense.....and facts

We know what we have in the ground, we know the potential of the area, we know what others have paid for large gold finds, we know the quality of FDN, we know the current price of gold and we know the potential for higher gold prices, we know how much majors need our ounces, we know the politics in Ecuador probably better than most Canadian or American politicians, we know the royalties, we know the players, we know the media, here and in Ecuador, the ones behind us, the ones against us, we know the analysts, we know the companies involved, we know the majors, and unfortunately we know our management.

We know the facts, at least as many facts as our management felt we needed to know by law...nothing more. We know how they padded their pockets at the expense of the retail shareholder. We know how they diluted the company to benefit their buddy. We didn't get the cheap options...we didn't get the fat paycheques, we didn't get the insider information as we sold our shares before April 18th.

But the bottom line is, we know what Aurelian is worth...we know what it could be worth in an ideal situation, we know what it could be worth in the future, we know what it's worth in a lousy, bottom of the cycle, give away. and guess what....we aren't even close yet.

So don't expect us to say yassa....we'll tender.....because you guys may THINK we're stupid, or you guys think we STUBBORN, but you haven't seen nothin yet.

These guys need to be taught a lesson. They need to be hit where it hurts. And if we have to go beyond this deal and hurt the financial brokerages that assisted in this. Then we will.

Burt can pull all the strings he wants to. He can call his newspaper buddies and write the b.s. story the way he'd like the facts to be. But, you have to look in the mirror every morning, and so do we.

I guess it's a small price to pay to become wealthy beyond your wildest imagination....rebuilding your sailboats living on the ocean....some of us have our retirements tied up in this. Life savings.

What I would like to know Patrick is: When was the exact moment that you decided you just didn't care about your shareholders any longer? Was it the middle of the night? Was it at your office desk? On a plane? At the bank? In a church? When was it you sold your soul for a few million?

We retail shareholders stuck together...why?...because we are in the right....and you know it. I don't give a crap about the legal bindings you put on yourself. You coward. If you were a would assist your shareholders. The ones that brung you to the dance.

Sleep well Patrick, because tomorrow brings a new day. Make sure to look in the mirror.


p.s. to the shirts tomorrow.

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