Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Mirador


That was what I was thinking also...but how would Otto get that many shares to play around with?

Is Kinross providing "Our Boy".... Mr.Otto...with shares that would be enough to influence the rest of us small retails?

Britnick was right to question how long those 500,000 shares were going to stay posted for sale! At first I thought that was a little "over the top" to think that if somebody had 1/2 million share to post, that they wouldn't be on our side of the battle...but obviously, if they have been removed from the bid, then somebody was trying to influence and manipulate this board of long term sharesholders to give up the "Battle"!

There is so little time left to Sept. 15th...that if anybody who has been on this "Voyage" more than 6 months, doesn't realize that there is NO DOWNSIDE! to holding tight to any shares they own... then they should be thrown overboard now....because we need the stronger Crew on "Deck" at the crisis point of this battle....

not some intruder with a nefarious agenda!!!

Just My Thoughts,

Long for Cash

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