Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

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I was expecting less talk here and a further whithering mental state. But thankfully my hope is still on hold and it seems to pay off.

But, a big buttttt.... I need more then this. I feel as others may do that at the end of the day, this forum may yet again like other fora turn out to be some kind of hot air ballon floating around in cyberspace. and....although I support the cause of bringing people together here and to UNITE against corporatism, we seem to be dwindling in the air.

We are talking and not doing. Some of us are taking action I am sure, but the full force of this board is DEFINATELY NOT being felt. From this site we should see tree's of oak sprouting from the surface, waiving fresh leaves of life and potential. Seeds should be dropping from these heavy branches which seem to be retaining their capabilities.

Maybe its just me, but I want to be a part of this fight. I want to be a part of this court action... and want to help out as much as I can. I feel as though my limbs are too short to reach this goal on my own. Who will hand me a leash, for I do not have the ability to finance a lawyor, or even start something remotely close to a class action suit. Neither do I have the time. I know Fearless has talked alot about this. Going to court.

Are you open to forming a group front. A shareholder action suite. I know we talked about it before. But it was all talk.... air... or am I wrong, and are there more thing happening on the background.

God, I sound desperate. Helpless... but I really want to see what we are capable of here... I wish to see AGORACOM-GT also give us more leads as what action to take. Legally, financially, strategically. You want to represent us, but a breeding ground like this may not be enough...just yet...

DONT TENDER, is this enough for now? THINK AND DO people...

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