Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Fearless 'Splain Pls

One last post before I hit the road again.

My posts on this forum have been about as brutally straight forward as I can possibly make them. If my posts seem a little more cryptic then usual, well that is just the way it has had to be.

I have never posted a post on this forum that did not have some purpose. I am not a person who wastes his time. For those who think this is not true. Then all I have to say is, just because you do not understand the reason for what I do, that does not mean that there was not one.

I suggest that for those who still do not know what is going on, reread my posts. Do not just read the words, think about what I have written and read between the lines.

Then ask yourself these questions:

Do you really think this deal is going to through?

Does it make any kind of sense?

Why are former board members getting on the boards of other companies?

Do you really believe Ecuador will not issue a positive mining law?

Once again, I ask, do you think the MM were just going to role over and let you have a respite?

Did you think the MM would not work hard to get your shares off you right up untill the final takeover?

Do you really believe other gold companies would let Kinross takeover ARU for what amounts to about 400 million after you subtract cash on hand and investment already made in the deposit?

For those long time holders of ARU, you may recall my post on stockhouse with regards to "Separating the men from the boys". It described how occasionally there comes a time when it does not matter in the short term whether you are up or down a certain percentage on a company but rather what percentage of the company you can actually own.

Well in my opinion we are at such a point in time, and ARU is trading very simular to how it traded just before the innitial glory hole was announced. A situation I took full advantage of, I might add. The difference this time is everyone knows or should know from my posts what ARU actually has. Therefore there are no excusses.

It would appear to me that those people looking to blame someone are the ones who have given up and are reacting with emotion rather than pure logic.

Making any finacial decision based on emotion rather than hard calculated logic is a sure way to financial ruin. It is exactly this reaction the MM are trying to elicit from you.

Life in many ways is like a chess game. We are all given a certain amount of moves before the game is over. How far ahead you can think ahead and capitalize on that thought will determine how successful you are in playing the game.

Like in chess, as with life, there are many more pawns than any other piece on the board. The pawns can be very powerful if they stick together and support one another, however if they fall out of formation, then they are very weak and easily sacrificed . On occasion pawns must be sacrificed in order to accomplish a larger goal. On occasion though the pawn can become the most important figure on the board. This is by outmanuvering the opposition and making it across the board were it can be transformed into any higher piece it wishes.

In many ways retail investors are like pawns in a chess game and easily crushed by stronger figures. However once in a life time there comes along an opportunity for that piece to raise himself up in station.

It surely would be a pity in my opinion, if those investors who still own there ARU shares, were to after coming all this way, end up playing chess like boys, loose sight of the objective and give up. Rather than playing like men, hanging in there, working towards the final objective untill the final move is made.

If you believe you are only a pawn, then that is all you always will be and others will sacrifice you at will to make their objectives.

If you wish to blame someone for what is transpiring, then in my opinion, you should blame the Ecuadorian government for doing its job and looking after it's people.

Once again, I will repeat, I have zero intention of tendering to this takeover and zero intention of selling my shares on the open market.

This initial takeover offer has separated many men from the boys and will continue to do so untill the new mining laws are declared. You have been given all the information you need and how you play this is now up to you, I can be no longer of any help.



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