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Message: Deflation scare short-term then massive hyperinflation?

Deflation scare short-term then massive hyperinflation?

posted on Sep 12, 2008 05:02AM

The Federal Reserve, in conjunction with the U.S. Treasury, is doing its best to prevent a systemic collapse. The efforts have been successful so far, and likely will continue to be for a while. The Fed and the Treasury will do whatever is necessary to save any entity that might otherwise implode the system. They will create and spend any money needed, they will arm-twist anyone they have to, they will manipulate any market, financial statistic or news medium that will help contain the still-intensifying crisis. Failure here is not an acceptable option. - John Williams,, 10 September 2008

What we are witnessing is a total economic, financial and monetary hallucination. It's Alice in Wonderland come to life...or if you prefer a 21st century equivalent...that would be The Matrix.

Check out this video clip of an analyst, particularly at the 7:00 minute mark where he talks of gold price suppression......One of few analysts who actually gets it imo.

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