Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: Kerrisdale -- > Safe
Sep 16, 2008 06:58AM
Sep 16, 2008 07:49AM

Sep 16, 2008 07:50AM
Sep 16, 2008 10:15AM
Sep 16, 2008 10:17AM
Sep 16, 2008 02:12PM

"Speaking of the board George please delete Safeharbour as a member for not managing this board and for deserting it without explanation."

Deserting? The way I see it, he was driven out by shrill accusations with no foundation in fact.

FYI, hub leaders exist to maintain decorum and stomp out spam. We're not investment advisors, we're not Boy Scout leaders, and we're certainly not your mommy. Like some of you, we have lives, and don't spend every waking hour on the board. That's why there's more than one of us, so if someone's away or needs a break, someone else can fill in.

And FYI, we don't owe anyone an explanation of what we do in our private lives, or how we manage our finances.

Some of you people really need to get a grip.


Sep 17, 2008 07:35AM
Sep 17, 2008 07:59AM
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