Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Rolfoto

Re: Rolfoto

posted on Sep 18, 2008 12:27AM

Rolfoto, FWIW if u put Safaharbour in Search, (top right) choose Search by Member Username, results are Nil. As such the Agoracom post re Safeharbour vs Safaharbour was a simple typo.

You said ... "I'm wierded out by all this."

Maybe I'm naive but I don't believe neither do I suspect for a minute that Safe is a K Plant nor that he Posts under another alias. Overactive minds are at work creating suspicion resulting in a discord among ourselves at a most critical time.

I too would like to see him Post and reaffirm his position that he's still holding but there's a group that are straining their brains on our behalf in the background involved in time consuming thinking/doing so let's not jump to conclusions. If Safe was able to hang in we know from reputation he would.

Now that we're in the final nitty gritty stage, being the most important if we want to attain our goal, we'd like to be assured of all those many that have Posted over the past year or so. That is, if indeed they're still with us. It's likely some have had to sell as this has been trying to all both financially and mentally. We've experienced a hellava shock to learn Patsy and his "Yes Weasels" sold us out.

We accomplished what I think is an AMAZING feat to hold Kinross under 90% even if it was by a fraction but that's all it took. What's a REAL Jaw Dropping event, we did it WITHOUT the help of our favourite Fund Managers!

Hopefully, we won't read of any more that have held to date, pull a Keith Barron. We need every share we can muster up to hold the position we've attained thus far.

Oh I know everybody is entitled to do as they see fit suitable to their own situation but I tellya it's like losing an arm or leg when I read that some have found it necessary to bail. We’re experiencing markets never seen to this extent before. As such if funds are available and selling ARU makes it so, there’s opportunity to be found in the blood flowing in the street. As for me, I prefer to see our ARU BOD found Guilty, restricted from ever again holding ANY Position with a Publically traded co and stripped of the positions of Trust they’ve found since. In addition, this whole K Offer implode. Highly unlikely we’ll see that but … who’s to say. It was highly unlikely we’d come this far.

I wouldn’t doubt that we’re the last thing Tye thinks of when he snuggles down in bed and closes his eyes. He hasn’t found us as easy to Con as our small minded greedy BOD wimps.

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