Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Rolfoto

Go4growth, Just came across your reply. It’s the middle of the night and no one is posting so I’ll respond:

This is what I was referring to when …. in jest …. I called it to your attn.

I prefer to see our ARU BOD found Guilty, restricted from ever again holding ANY Position with a Publically traded co and stripped of the positions of Trust they’ve found since."

....Well said Rolfoto..... Even if we are all "squeezed out" etc etc

Obviously I should have included the "Well Said Rolfoto" when I brought it to your attn as I now realize from the wording of your reply, u didn’t realize u had written this ... hence u didn't understand the reason for my comment.

Let’s put this unfortunate misunderstanding to bed. We both have more important things to put our minds to work on. Best regards.

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