Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: ... it didn't matter how long you held out, they still had to offer you the

"I love K management". To each his own. Can one shake hands with the Devil and stay clean? Maybe.

I have seen no end of vituperation of the ARU BOD since the release of the K offer. Yet I always have been told "it takes two to tango", so if the ARU BOD is guilty of malfeasance, certainly the K people interfacing with them are collaborators and co-conspirators.

Well, I guess the name of the game is making money, not acting out a morality play. Some say "what goes around, comes around" which I take to mean dirty dealing catches up with one. True or false? I suppose we each have to decide what is truly in our best interests.

As far as the course of action after K has their 90%, we have had various views, ranging from optimistic to the latest pessimistic one. Again, individually we must make our personal choice. For myself, I hate to think that a Court action under this scenario would be an out-and-out charade! What a waste!

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