Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: High Probability

High Probability

posted on Sep 28, 2008 01:50PM

Within the next 2 weeks, with a very high probability we will know who has been correct and who as been wrong with regards to ARU.

Logic, dictates that i will be correct. Unfortunately there will be few to listen to me tell you, I told you so. Many of those who have been duped into selling or tendering their shares, rather than admit to themselves that they were fooled and learn from the experience. Will prefer to continue to live in fantasy land and make up excusses for themselves.

Posters should note that, that supposed aprox 550,000 shares K has additionally taken up is meaninless because we do not know how many shares they took up before. They could legally make that statement if they had only taken up 1 share prior to this. It was never stated.

What was stated is that they planned to take up those shares validly deposited. Whether they did or not remains a mystery because it was never stated whether they were able to or not.

I like how this board is preped and conditioned for days for a supposed negative event and surprise, surprise it supposedly happens hahahahahahaha.

Whenever a company releases a statement that is so full of legalise double talk, that it is little more than incoherant babling, then that should immediately raise anyones suspicions towards it's intent.

Stick to logic and hold onto your shares, you will be well rewarded in my opinion in the near future.


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