Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: I Tendered


it seems you, I, and a couple of others so far will be the only ones left holding ARU shares on this board. The boy's keep getting separated from the men.

It seems all those posters I have given 1 star too, continue to justify my decision in that regards hahahahahahahaha.

I am so scared that they have got 94% validly deposited shares that I think I will go and tender my shares to them hahahahahaha.

Once again, I do not see in K press release 1 mention of how many shares have actually been tendered to their offer.

In fact I am still wondering were a certain poster got that paragraph from. Abe you do not think he made it up do you hahahahahahahahaha.

Like I posted yesterday, it is meaningless, and it does not matter if they came out and stated that they got 99% validly deposited shares, unless you know the specific terms the shares were deposited to them under.

Heres an excersise for someone, phone K up and ask how many shares have been tendered to the deal and see what kind of an answer you get hahahahahaha.

I of course already know the answer.

I have to agree with the poster who believes their have been more K employees posting on this board than their ever were real ARU share holders hahahahahaha.

I like the part in K release where they state they intend to force out those remaining ARU share holders compulsorarily hahahahahahahaha. I intend to do many things in my life, I do not know if I will be able to get around to actually accomplishing them all hahahahaha.

I also like the big SAFEHARBOUR statements at the end of the releases hahahahahaha.

Once again the chorus of negativity is chanted by the usual suspects and a couple more chear leaders pack it in. Oh my, this really is physicologically demoralizing me hahahahahahaha.

Oh wait a minute, it has always been my belief that 50% of the posters on this board were alias's anyways and that percentage certainly has gone up as time has gone by hahahahahaha.

Sorry boys, I have not tendered or sold a single share and I have zero intention to do so. I guess you K boys are just going to have to take me to court.


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