Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Dancing with the devil.

Dancing with the devil.

posted on Oct 01, 2008 06:08PM

I just paid a visit to the lair of the devil. Found it quite easily, it was labelled Kinross Agoracom Forum.

The stench was foul from the pile of rotting corpses of our poor dead shipmates stacked in one corner. Their ghosts were very evident, circling the smoke filled interior and still firing their muskets in defiance... what a battle it was shipmates !

Tye Burt was there dressed as the devil himself, he was busy going through the pockets of our poor departed shipmates and lifting out all their share certificates.. even opening their mouths and taking their gold teeth too. (anything for an extra ounce)

There's a lot of them in there, all our old friends and comrades.

As far as I'm concerned the fat lady will only start to sing as Burt and his mottley crew of grave robbers descend the steps of the court house with that evil smile on his thin bloodless lips, mouthing the words "I've got ALL your shares now".

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