Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: TSX Bulletin 2008-1135

Well that's just dandy, Daryl. So much for all the high-flying rhetoric spouted here. They say the world will end with a whimper, not a bang. I guess the Fate of our Forum is to foreshadow that ending. I am sickened, disgusted and dismayed, but not unduly surprised.

The sad part is, there are/were sincere, intelligent people posting here that seemed prepared to pull together. It is self-evident that in unity there is strength. Without it, what can an individual accomplish in the world of lawyers and double-dealing?

I've seen the term "sheeple" used by various financial commentators and thought it was a bit too glib. Now I understand what they are trying to convey with this descriptive appellation.

So much for venting feelings! The foregoing and a buck will not even buy me a cup of decent coffee. So I'll put a cork in it. Suffice to say, this entire Aurelian scam has worked like a charm. Seems to be a microcosm of the universal scam perpetrated on the financial world by who? The Wall Street Gang? or whoever? ---- as exemplified in the so-called bail-out saga.

Well, I'll follow Ripa's advise and READ whatever piece of paper arrives next, if it does. Maybe there is an honest judge in our future!

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