Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: What caused the drop in price in April

Refer to the Insider Sales by the entire BOD days prior to the Stop Work Ruling placed by Rafael Correa, President of Ecaudor on 18Apr08.

Hundreds of Thousands of Shs Sold by the BOD in April 2008 within days prior to the Stop Work Mandate.

I read where someone estimated Patsy F ' N Anderson had sold $65 Million to that date in 2008. When questioned we were given the weak excuse he was getting married and buying a house.

IMO These poeple have proven themselves to be the most Greedy, Selfish, Morally Reprehensible people you'd ever have the misfortune of being in contact with.

I suspect because ARU has been Delisted other than this Board, much of the History might be difficult to dig up.

Good Luck but as we experienced, don't expect any help from the OSC or the Institutions holding NOT. The OSC, other than tell u to consult a Lawyer, won't tell u if u even have a logical complaint on a particular query. The Institutions won't voice their opinion as they don't want their Investors to see their names in print in conflict with an investment they have made using the Investors' funds.

Don't assume any BOD of a Cdn Jr Mining Company are operating with their Shareholders' interest uppermost in their decisions.

We trusted our ARU BOD and they sold our company to the first Bidder that granted all the personal perks they asked for AFTER they replenished their depleted personal holdings by issuing themselves Millions of Stock Options days prior to the Accepted Offer being made Public.

My Puke Bucket is full so I'll end this by Wishing u Good Luck!

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