Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: late ...but on the way...!!!

late ...but on the way...!!!

posted on Oct 20, 2008 11:15AM
Constituent reinstall tomorrow
The constituent assembly that entered into recess on July 25, it will reinstate morning to carry out a transition regime, in view of the implementat
So informed the president of the Constituent Assembly, the ruling Fernando Cordero, recalling that the scheme provides that the Transitional Assembly will reinstate five days after the proclamation of the results of the referendum.

This period, according to the Assemblyman in recess Country Agreement (PA), Virgilio Hernandez, are counted from Thursday, when the results confirmed that a record 63.9 by the Yes to the new constitution.

The Constituent Assembly will be installed to integrate the National Electoral Council, the Dispute Tribunal and the Electoral Commission of Legislation, according to the Transitional Regime.

"What we must do is uphold the Constitution," insisted Hernandez. He estimated that the plenary session of the Assembly would not go beyond one or two days and recalled that defined the Committee on Legislation that it will process some laws: Act as Food Sovereignty, Law of the Judicial Council and the Legislature, Electoral Law , Law of Citizen Participation and Social Control, Law on Mining, Organic Law of Civil Law, Law of IESS and begin the process of other regulations laid down in the second transitory provision of the Constitution
ion of the new Constitution.
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