Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management



posted on Oct 31, 2008 11:17PM

We all appear to have recvd our allocation of K Shs & Wts.

Reminder ... Nbr of ARU shs X .317 Shs & X .1428 Wts

Let's exchange the Price allocated to the Wts by each named Dealer.

My Dealer: _____

Allocated $ ____ as the Cost Base for my K Wts.


K said they'd pay Cash in Exchange for Fractions of Shs & Warrants.

Did any of us recv Cash in Exchange for a fraction of a Share or a fraction of a Warrant? If so, what was the amt of the fraction and what was the Cash equivalent u recvd. ie

My Warrant Fraction was ___ Amt of Cash Recvd was _____

My Share Fraction was ___ Amt of Cash Recvd was ____

BMOIS Allocated $2.60 to the K Warrants and $15.60 to the shs. These figs don't equal the ARU Total Cost on any of our four Accts so their entries are useless.

BMOIS didn't deposit any Cash in lieu of a fraction of a Share nor a fraction of a Warrant. It's not much but I think we can find something to do with an extra $2 to $15 depending on the value they allocated to your Shs and/or Warrants.

I used $3.41 for the per Warrant Cost Base. I got this fig from Kinross which they said is on their Site. I haven't checked.

I Mutliplied $3.41 times the nbr of Wts = Warrant Total Cost Base.

I then took that Warrant Total Cost Base, off the My Total Cost Base of my ARU.

I divided the resulting Balance by the nbr of my K Shs to get the Cost Base per Share for my K Shs.

BMOIS when they say their figs shouldn' be relied on for Tax purposes - OK I accept that

BUT ... the Total they arrived at as the Cost Base of my K shs & the Cost Base of my K Warrants should equal the Total Cost Base of my ARU purchases.

If as BMOIS have posted these figs, you'd be looking at your Acct for what could be a year, and read a Profit/Loss when there isn't one or it's scewed resulting in a warm fuzzy feeling when in reality you should really still be feeling devastated.

Irregardless of the wrong figs being used by BMOIS, I'd like to learn what Cost Base others have used for their Warrants and how u arrived at the per Warrant figure u are using.

The end result to establish a Cap Gain (LOL) or Loss will be the same but, for those that don't mind, let's compare the figs being used to get there.

I can't see any other way of doing this simple calculation until I'm shown otherwise ... If the way I've done mine is wrong - pls advise.

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