Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management


Thx for your response wdboat.

Did the arrived at

Total Cost Base of Kinross Shs using the CIBC figure of $17.09

Plus the Total Cost Base of the Wts using the CIBC figure of 3.40

equal exactly the Total Cost of your ARU?

I'm dissappointed this question hasn't brought forth more response. Maybe I'm the only one that thinks these Total Cost Base figures should match to get your Cap Gain or Cap Loss when u sell. I've never had one of these before and obviously need some advice as to whether or not I'm calculating this correctly.

BMOIS has adjusted my K shs & Wts to the prices I arrived at to match the cost of my ARU shs. I guess I'll leave it as is. The dollar figures match so that's all I guess I should be concerned about. I did end up with fraction of both shs and Wts but the cash amt wasn't credited to my acct. Obviously even the conversion is messy to the Dealers.

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