Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Investigative Journalism

Investigative Journalism

posted on Nov 11, 2009 07:55PM

Does it not seem strange to anyone that many of the stories coming out of the different media are groups are the exact same. Most of the stories are just that "stories" or better yet fairy tales hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I read about 4 - 6 hours a day for investment purposes and let me tell you, the amount of crapola I have to sift through from the main stream media in order to get at a kernal of truth and helpfull information is unbeleivable. However I do it not because the articles are helpful but from the perspective of why the article was written. I find it helpful in determining the establishments motives and how when the markets are approaching major turning points.

The commentaries on the article are usually far more informative and certainly more entertaining than the article itself. This in itself is valuable information from the big picture perspective.

Now for aprox a 1 1/2 years I have listened to the media and financial people yap, yap, yap, yap about how Equador through there Mining mandate shut down mining in the country.

Well having read the Mining mandate, or at least the draft that was released on the day of the vote, it did not seem that was the case to me. The mining Mandate was quite a fair piece of legislation that specifically stated among other things that those medium and large scale operations already in operation need not shut down, only renegotiate there contracts under the new mining law. In fact it is my opinion that the mining mandate paved the way for modern mining by taking away concessions from the land speculators who had not the means or intention to ever explore the concessions they had claimed.

Now doing a little research of my own I found out that very few mining operations actually chose to shut down.

DMM for example did not shut down, built its mining mostly on schedule and budget and started pouring this Sept according to reports. Not to mention that from their 2008 year end finacials I see that they almost doubled their developement expenditures from the year earlier.

C2C issued a news release on April 22, 2008, shortly after the mining mandate that stated all mining activities on the concession including the Paraiso-Pambil mine are carried on as usual.

These are just a couple of examples that if I can easily find you think a journalist would be able to research in order to write an informative, unbiased and factual story.

Now after seeing all the negative stories carried for days on the mining and investment sites about the supposed poor 3 Q results of Kinross. What happens when the event many of us Kinross/Aurelian investors have been waiting for, namely, Kinross/Aurelian being given permision to resume exploration drilling. Why it is releases after hours and if you blinked, you missed the report for the length of time it was headlined hahahahahahahahahaha.

What a joke and it is no wonder that Journalists are one of the most dispised professions on the face of the planet now and most news rags are broke or will be shortly. I say, good riddance.

They say the pen is mightier than the sword. Well that is only true if you beleive what the person with the pen write because if it came down to a fight I would be betting on the man with the sword hahahahahahahahah.


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