Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Gold Market

Gold Market

posted on Nov 27, 2009 09:27AM

Well the bull is really bucking and trying to dislodge those weak hands from their bullion and precious metal shares. Volitility is the name of the game and what better time to pull it than just before Comex December futures delivery, month end, Friday and in a shortened trading week in the US also. Not to mention gold plunged exactly this time last year also for those chartists and all the TA indicators are screaming overbought hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

A news report claims the Canadian mint has found where its missing gold went. Appearently it was a compination of an accounting error and SHRINKAGE. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Now earlier I beleive the Mint ruled out an accounting error and that is why they brought in the RCMP. Now we are supposed to believe that it was an accounting error that has taken 6 months to find. Then there is this mysterious SHRINKAGE. I wonder if this mysterious shrinkage is what happens when you put a gold plated Tungston bar in the furnace hahahahahahahahaha.

Now whether or not this rumour of Tungston bars posing as gold bars is true or not, it certainly would have an effect on gold sales and not to the upside in my opinion. Afterall who would now trust the exchanges after this rumour. Appearently no one and that is why it is reported that all the metal assayers are booked right up. It would seem that buyers are demanding that any gold they buy be reassayed in order to verify its purity. Now this would just happen to delay and slow the demand for physical gold.

You got to ask yourself who would benefit from lower demand and slower delivery times. Non other than the gold price manipulators. Therefore while it would not surprise me in the least that the Tungston story is true, I just am very suspicious of the timing of this rumour appearing.

Now the latest Crisis is coming out of Dubia and with this Tungston rumour floating around it would appear once again the only supposed safe haven finacial instrument is the US dollar hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

What a joke.

Beleive nothing you read and only half of what you see.

All in my honest opinion of course.


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