Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: To any members of the ARU gang.

Well Don I appreciate that you would come to this site to seek some opinions, especially since I seem to be the only one actively posting anything on it hahahahahahaha.

It does verify to me that not everyone has forgotten Aurelian though and that occasionally people do drop in to have a look at this site, so thanks for your post.

I have only very, very quickly gone over the details of this bidding war between Noront and Cliffs for Freewest and mostly just out of curiosity.

I would say however that so far your situation is nothing simular to that of the Aurelian shareholders hahahahahahaha.

I have done no analysis for Freewest so I can not give you an opinion of what I think the company fundamentally should be worth at the moment. I am sure you have an idea of what it is worth and obviously I take it, it is higher from your post.

Right now you can enjoy the fact that your share price is up significantly since this supposed bidding war started.

Now with regards to how you may encourage Cliffs to sweeten their offer further, well then in my opinion if you could get enough like minded people such as yourself to vote down the plan of arrangement at the Special Shareholders Meeting then that would be a good start. Then again if the arrangement is passed you could just not TENDER your shares to the offer and hope that at least 10% of other shareholders also did not. In which case you have the possibility to negotiate what you think the fair market value of your shares are.

However all of this is a little premature since I believe management has not even sent out the Management Circular outlining what the actual plan of arrangement is, there may be significant other details not presented yet hahahahahahhahahaha.

I would suggest that when you get the Management Circular and if you do not 100% fully understand it and your holding in the company is significant enough then consult a good business lawyer for advice on further ways to proceed. If you suspect that not everything is as it first appears then an injuction is a possibility. Once again a good business lawyer will immediately be able to advize on the possibility of a judge granting one.

Of course I would suspect that if not everything in the offer was what it appeared to be on closer examination the offeror would have a clause in the offer that allows them to immediately withdraw the offer in the event of a law suit or even the threat of one hahahahahahahahahaha.

The above commetary is once again, as always, all in my honest opinion and is in no way to be taken or even construed as financial or legal advice on a course of action to take in regards to your particular situation or anybody elses situation for that matter.

I hope my suggestions have been helpfull and that your situation gets resolved to your satisfaction.



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