Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: CFTC


posted on Jan 14, 2010 05:58PM

Well it appears that there will be no move on fixing the huge short positions in gold and silver untill sometime in March which is appearently when the CFTC will now address position limits in that market.

So much for having something out in early Dec 2009 as I was led to beleive.

The timing of this is starting to make me suspicious that perhaps they will only limit the longs and continue to let the shorts rule the market.

Oh by the way, there are position limits on the rule books already, it just appears that for some reason they are not enforced or are given exemptions from through the many loop holes.

I may have to restate my prediction on this depending on how gold moves.

Well in my opinion the futures market for gold and silver is mostly nothing but for people who feel like gambling, well connected insiders or fools hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I would say any move to limit only the longs would finally ruin that market and I would be happy to see it go however never underestimate the supidity of people.

Eistein said that there are only two things that are infinite the Universe and peoples stupidity and we are not sure about the universe hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahaha. The more I see the more I am inclined to agree.

All in my honest opinion of course.


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