Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: What Is The Probability

What Is The Probability

posted on Jan 25, 2010 09:28AM

Well for days now the gold charts have traced out generally speaking almost an identical trading pattern. Geez, I wonder if little black boxes have been put to work in order to do gods work hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Well quit coincidently the times gold has decided to do its cliff diving act is always around the most illiquid times of the market or that would have the most impact on the resource sector equity markets. Go figure hahahahahahahhahahahaa.

Lets see what happens today now that we have been conditioned like good Pavlov dogs for days. In these markets you got to expext the head fake. Lets see if today will be one of those days. I kind of feel it will be.

All in my honest opinion of course.


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