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Message: The FED


posted on Jan 28, 2010 09:42AM

Well nothing come out of the FED yesterday that was earth shattering. In sane times when a central bank announced that it was going to keep an interest rate set at zero for an extended period of time that would have dropped the countries currency like a rock. Not so anymore, the Geenback was up yesterday and gold hammered once again. What a joke hahahaahahahahahahaha.

Well the real reason gold got hammered yesterday is that it was the last day of trade for the Feb futures contract and Daboyz always pull this stunt. Yep those idiot futures traders who do not take delivery may just as well hand there money to the scalpers.

Now that the delivery notices are going out for first delivery on Monday morning we will see when the tide goes out who is going to get caught naked. I am expecting more than one short will be scrambling and that though will be more confirmed if gold can make some positive gains here in the last couple days of this week.

Meanwhile economically the US continues to fall apart as the real economy tanks. Air travel has plumeted, airlines going under, record commercial realstate bankcruptsy, factory production revised negative from positive, record credit card defaults, housing sales and prices continue to fall and the list goes on and on.

Yep there are green shoots out there all right, it is call poison ivy hahahahahahahahahaha.

All in my honest opinion of course as always.


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