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Message: Treasury Bubble

Treasury Bubble

posted on Jan 28, 2010 12:06PM

The only bubble out there is the US treasury bubble. In fact the 1 month treasury yield just went negative again. Yep, those finacial genius out there are lending at zero % there money to a nation that if it had to report by GAAP standards would be considered bankcrupt. This of course does not take into account that inflation adjusted they are paying the government aprox 3% per year and that is if you beleive the CPI that the governement issues.

A move was made by the SEC yesterday to allow money market funds to cancell redemption calls if the management felt it was required. If this was not a clear signal to where the smart investor thinks the greater equity markets direction is going I do not know what is.

Well perhaps there is one and that is the fact that the insiders have been almost exclusively selling there positions now for a number of months and that the inflow of money into mutual funds has significantly decreased.

The DOW has finally started to reflect reality and is beginning to fall fast. For those people who live in fantasy land, they must really hate it when reality punches them in the face hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

All in my honest opinion of course.


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