Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: 1.6 Trillion

1.6 Trillion

posted on Feb 02, 2010 05:43PM

This is what the projected US budget deficit will be and since Govt ability to bepredict budget shortfalls is almost non exhistant you can be almost sure it will be much higher.

One of the reasons it could be much higher is that the continued bailouts of fat Freddie and Fannie is not included in this estimate. How convenient since it was approved that they could take on unlimited toxic morgage waiste from the finacial sector for the next 3 years.

Three years is just coinsidently when the peak in morgage resets will occure at which point they fall off sharply.

all in my honest opinion of course.


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