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Message: Stop Losses

Stop Losses

posted on Feb 04, 2010 10:15AM

Well Da Boyz at the Crimex are shaking the tree hard once again today.

Notice how statistically improbably that the gold price and share prices always seems to head down or plunge just before the open, around 10, 12, 2 and 4. Now ask yourself what plebes are on coffee break and checking the markets at those times and you will know who are the marks hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaha.

Well this latest sky dive by gold on the futures market is no doubt hitting of stop losses. It always makes me laugh when a supposed savy market trader and analyst, saying all the right things that us gold advocates like to hear then preceeds to recommend putting in tight stop losses hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

What a fool if he actually beleives that. Stop losses are nothing more than sells at market and there is no guarentee that you will be able to sell anywhere near that level. It depends on how many other people have foolishly put in stop losses around that level and how many bids are coming in. You will just sell down untill your order in the que comes up and you hit enough bids to buy up your ask.

It especially makes me laugh when an analyst details how the Commercials are desperately covering there shorts at a almost record pace then suggest putting in tight stop losses which the big boyz can see and hit in order to help them cover there short positions hahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaaha.

If as a trader you wish to employ stop losses then do so in your head. Pick a price that you would not be comfortable with at it lower and then sell when or if that price materializes. If everyone out there did this that would stop the game by the big institutions of running stop losses because they would not know where they are and what they would have to do in order to hit them. Otherwise you might as just well be playing poker and show everyone your cards hahahahahaahahahahahahaah.

The best con out there by those who like to give free advice is to say all the correct things a certain group like to hear and plant a bomb amoungst it. That bomb is use tightstop losses and just coincidently I have read a number of analyst over the last few days suggesting this exact course of action. Then right on que a few day later you get a plung in the futures price as the commercials pull there bids and hit the stop loses allowing them to cover the shorts at a much lower price and scaring other gamblers into folding hahahahahahaahahahahahaahahaaha.

This of course lowers the mining shares they are buying up for the rise in the metal prices to come when they have finished covering there shorts and proceed to squeeze the other players who were not as efficient in covering there shorts as the big players.

If you want to play the markets then you had better know the rules. It is no coincidence that in these poker turnaments many of the same players are always sitting at the final table. It is no coincidence that the top 5% of investors and I use that word very loosely in the markets are always the same winners also.

All in my honest opinion of course as always.


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