Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Today


posted on Feb 12, 2010 09:48PM

Well gold did not quite get to my target of 1100 as suggested at the beginning of the week, ending at aprox 1093 or 7 dollars off it. Not bad considering most of the analysts I have read this week had a downside bias or basically said nothing by hedging there forcasts by saying it could do either go up or down let alone actually pick a price.

The IMF has come out and said that the banks should consider raising there inflation target rate from 2 to 4%. I guess since inflation data is incredibly messaged they actually mean 10 - 12%

Fat Fannie and Freddie have started to agressively buy up morgages and now you know why they made the amount of morgages these two govt entities could buy as limitless over the next 3 years. This is nothing but another banker bailout.

A great deal has been made over the Chinese increasing there reserve ratio once again. There state run banks are going to have a reserve ratio of 14 - 16%. 10% is considered sound and the US banks last I looked were under 2% hahahahahahahahahahaha. The Chinese economy will continue to grow because they are investing in infrastructure that aids efficiency and adds value to there country while carrying out sound monitary policies. Unlike the West.

The deflationists continue to occasionally blab there stupidity even in the face of the fact that according to the governemnt BS stats price inflation in the west is growing 2+ percent and according to J. Williams inflation did not even go negative in 2008.

The fact is that under a fiat currency system you can not never afford deflation because the system is a debt based ponzi scheme that needs ever more debt to service the existing debt. Deflation can never compete with a printing press or just tacking on another zero to the present notes hahahahahahahahahaha.

This system collapses when debt goes parabolic as it always has to and people then lose faith in it. All the charts I look at have or are going parabolic which is a prelude to the crash. No paper currency has ever lasted.

The smart money has been shifting there vast paper wealth or as much as they can into presious metals and hard assets. The manipulation of the presious metals and shares is for this purpose now and really non other. The paper game at this stage is as much a trap to them as to the rest of us and they do not want to be left holding useless bits of printed paper. All good pushers know never to get hooked on there own junk.

When this financial change is finalized I am sure that the powers that be will be holding most of the gold or real money and the general populace will be left holding the bag of worthless paper. Well they then can work for honest money and the debtors who manage to survive till the hyper inflation will have there debts inflated away hahahahahaha.

All in my honest opinion of course as always.


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