Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Coin Investing

Funny you should mention Nicaragua. My brother a few months back mentioned that if I were looking in South America, Nicaragua was a place I should consider.

I know Nicaragua has had its problems in the past but I have found that in many cases the facts on the ground do not always coincide with foreigners general perceptions.

I have been to many places in the world and have found people are much the same all over. If you treat them with respect and are friendly you will in most cases receive that in kind. It never hurts of course to be generous when you can afford to be so.

Most people just want to go about there lives and live in peace of course in every society there are the bad apples you must watch out for. I try not to let these characters jade me towards people in general.

I know that you reap what you sow.

I will look into Nicaragua more closely, thanks.


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