Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Coin Investing


That is indeed interesting.

Well of course I would have no problem taking my swimming to a more secluded area of the beach off the resorts property. After all us old Silver Back types prefer quite seclusion to go about our business. Anytime you swim in the ocean there is the possibilty of a shark attack. However more often then not it is the 2 legged land sharks you need to worry about the most hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

The only time a Gorila goes all Planet of the Ape's haywire is if he is baited, provoked too much or otherwise had his territory encroached too much upon.

I am sure that if the Concierge or Management got together with me and explained the situation and conveyed there concerns respectfully that it would be time well spent on their behalf.

Now I am a firm believer in not sending a Cabana Boy to do a mans job, no matter how slick and competent he may appear to be. Especially if he has no authority to authorize anything and could possibly miscommunicate intentions or what has been said.

Besides Gorila's are endangered species and I think the penalty for killing one is even harsher than for killing a human not to mention what a damn shame it would be. Certainly Mexico does not need anymore bad publicity in that regards. This year I beleive Cancun's spring break season was very poor due to the tourists not showing up after the spat of shootings. No resort needs that kind of publicity. It is very bad for business.

The above is only reasonable would you not agree Long?



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