Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Coin Investing


well I totally agree with keeping the trinket sellers off the beaches and resort grounds from pestering the guests. The worse thing about them is that if you buy something from one then you have 20 of them on you hitting you up to buy some worthless made in China bauble. They can be worse than Piranha.

Though on the very rare occasion someone does come along that has something worthwhile to sell and a deal can be made. The trick is to do it while the other hawkers are not looking.

I personally do not need to see hawkers or armed patrols running up and down the beach. It ruins the solitude as you are sitting there watching the sunset, drink in hand with perhaps a handful of close friends and family.

I find compromise is usually the best and in certain vacation spots they have set up a pavilion which the trinket sellers must stay in. This way for those dumb tourists who feel they must get fleesed they can visit it and buy all the worthless crap they desire hahahahahahahaha. This compromise allows the locals to still make some sort of living and not feel that rich foreigners have come in and taken the beaches away from them. I would say that there are few situations more dangerous than people who feel they have been wronged and have nothing to lose.

On the other hand those more worldly tourist such as myself can go about our business in private and enjoy our sunset.

Rest assured though Long before I deside to do any skinny dipping in those Cabo waters hahahahahahahahahahaha I will drop in on the resort Concierge and see if he can be good enough to direct me to a discrete location.



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