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Message: anyboby own some CHINA Stocks?

anyboby own some CHINA Stocks?

posted on Mar 14, 2010 12:19AM

China is where the big money will be made in 2010 and beyond. Not the U.S. and certainly NOT Europe.

The reason is simple: China is the ONLY—and I repeat—the only country that is growing.

In fact, our estimates show that China’s growth will hit a mind-boggling 10% in 2010 as the rest of the world hits a brick wall.

How is this possible? Many reasons.

  • China has little exposure to the problems we have here.
  • China has no restrictions on spending stimulus money.
  • China’s banks are stronger, with no subprime mess holding them back.
  • China has over a $2 trillion surplus to spend as it sees fit.
  • China has turned its growth internal with a $586 stimulus spending program.
  • China has its own 1.3 billion-man market to sell to and a workforce that’s growing richer and spending money every day!

And when I say richer, I mean it!

Most American investors don’t know this, but China has produced nearly 1 million millionaires—more than any other country on Earth.

According to China Daily, “One person out of every 1,700 in the country has a wealth of 10 million Yuan, which is far beyond our expectations, if compared with one in 100 in the United States owning $10 million, and one in 150 in the United Kingdom having 10 million pounds.”

To top it off, many of these new Chinese millionaires are under 39 years old!

They are flaunting their new wealth by buying everything from homes, to cars, to cell phones—you name it and from homegrown companies whose profits are rising.

The China Daily article spelled it out so simply, “This growth is driving China’s wealthy to continue to spend, despite the economic crisis.”

This is why the Shanghai Index jumped nearly 80% in 2009 and why our top stocks doubled and tripled our readers money over the past few years.

The Second Principle You MUST Understand to Get “China-Rich”

As my readers will tell you, you don’t have to go China to get “China-Rich.”

China’s most profitable stocks are all traded here on America exchanges!

My China Strategy readers are making money hand over fist investing in them.

In fact, many of these companies have been so integrated into the American investment community that many investors don’t even know they’re Chinese…or that they are far more profitable then their American competitors.

Take, CTRIP (NYSE:CTRP), for example.

It’s not only one of the world’s largest travel agencies but one of the many ways my readers are simple getting “China-Rich.”

Since we added this one to our holdings in 2006, we’re up a whopping 289%. Those who invested in their America competitor, Expedia, have not fared as well, grabbing maybe 20% gains in four years.

That’s just one case in point.

Then there’s CNOOC (NYSE: CEO), one of the world’s largest oil companies. Again, this is another Chinese company traded here in the states, whose closest competitor is Exxon Mobil.

Since we recommended this to our readers in 2005, it’s handed our readers 149% profits. Exxon Mobil has, I’m sorry to say, barely broken even.

And how about Mindray Medical (NYSE: MR)?

This company is not only one of world’s largest medical supply companies but also is kicking butt on American companies around the world.

In fact, I’m proud to say my readers have more than doubled their money on this one, raking in 141% gains since 2006 as their biggest competitor, Abbot Labs, has woefully rewarded investors with a pitiful 3% annual return.

And these are just three of our China Strategy recommendations that not only made my American readers “China-Rich” in 2009…

…but also have made them “China-Richer” over the past four years—all thanks to wealth-building opportunities like these that we grabbed while Wall Street was looking the other way:

  • Aluminum Corp. of China, +285%
  • New Oriental Education, +232%
  • China Southern Airlines, +170%
  • Yingli Green Energy, +125%
  • Apple, +118%
  • SPDR Gold, +93%
  • China Mobile, +109% src="" border="0" height="166" align="right" alt="Right-click here to download pictures. To help protect your privacy, Outlook prevented automatic download of this picture from the Internet. How to Get “China-Rich” in 2010 - FREE" width="142" />
  • Yanzhou Coal, +100%
  • Perfect World, +70%
  • Morgan Stanley China A Share Fund, +67%
  • Sinopec, +58%
  • Las Vegas Sands, +52%

I mention this not to brag, but only as proof that:

  1. The big money is being made in China, and
  2. You don’t have to go to China to do it!

As my readers will tell you, if you have an Internet connection, an email address and an online brokerage account, you, too, can get “China-Rich” along side us.

>How to Get “China-Rich” in 2010, will help you do just that!

The Third Principle You Must
Understand to Get “China-Rich”

That is NOW is the best time to do it! Much better and more profitable than even last year!

What makes me say this?

Just look at how the U.S. economy has hit a brick wall and how the international markets have taken a hit due to the trouble from the PIIGS’ (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) economic problems.

Throw in the fears over Greece’s collapse, and the ripple effects it will cause throughout Europe, one thing is clear: China—now more than ever—is the No. 1 investing opportunity in the world. Especially as the U.S. dollar continues to fall and gold prices rises.

And I’d like to help you do just that.

For more than a decade, I’ve been helping my readers and clients grow steadily richer investing in China.

And I can tell you with unmatched certainty that if you invest alongside us now, you’ll be in a superb position to pyramid your wealth as the falling dollar, rising gold prices, and European collapse triggers another—and potentially bigger�wave of growth in China.

In fact, I’m proud to say that those that joined me last year joined the ranks of the “China-Rich”, as our stocks delivered average gains of 124% in 2009� with our biggest winner tripling investors’ money during the past 12 months.

But even these great gains could pale in comparison to what lies ahead as the European economy collapses, the U.S. economy stalls, and China continues to build more factories, more roads, more bridges and more skyscrapers�and China’s consumers spend like there’s no tomorrow.

The end result will not only put powerful upward pressure on the stock prices of commodities-based companies that are fueling China’s next wave of growth…

…but also make my readers “China-Rich” again in 2010.

Which is why I’m telling my readers to expect another…

50%-75% Profits in
the Next 12 Months

Here’s where the biggest profits will be made:

  • Get “China-Rich” from Global Gold Panic:

As the U.S. easy-money policy sends the dollar spiraling south, the price of gold will continue to shoot through the roof.

However, the best way to profit isn’t by owning mining stocks. They’re simply too volatile, and your gains are based on the price the company can mine gold at.

At China Strategy, we’ve found that the best way to profit from rising gold prices is through an ETF that’s backed by the bullion itself.

This is how my readers and I have banked over 93% as the dollar has fallen and gold has risen, and how we plan to double our money again in 2010.

  • Get “China-Rich” from China’s Thirst for Oil

Our top oil stock has handed my investors 149% since I recommended it.

When you consider that China’s dependence on energy exports is expected to increase significantly over the next 20 years and projections that China will need to import at least 60% of its oil and 30% of its natural gas by 2020…

…you can see why I’m confident that our oil strategy ALONE will make you 50%–75% richer in the next 12 months.

posted online), you’ll read why the company’s profits will continue to grow and why we see the company repeating its 2009 gains and then some.

  • Get “China-Rich” From China’s Love for the Internet and All Things Wireless:

Make no mistake about it, China leads the world in Internet growth, and the profits will be staggering for our top Internet plays.

The first is the undisputed leader in search-engine marketing that handed my readers 215% gains in 2009. The second is the 800-pound gorilla of China’s mobile economy that jumped 270% in 2009.

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