Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Back To Metalic Money

Back To Metalic Money

posted on Mar 15, 2010 04:51PM

Well there has be so much going on in the news lately that it is even hard to start commenting on certain events because a little post would not do it justice.

To be cursed to live in interesting times hahahahahaha.

Lots in the news over the last year about numerous states wanting to get back to constatutional money and trying to pass bills to that effect.

Idaho for instance just passed a bill that would allow state taxes to be paid in silver. Now this is totally hilarious because you would have to be a complete sucker in my opinion to pay taxes in silver when you can pay them in FED Reserve Notes. I truely understand though why the state would want you to trade in your highly undervalued silver in order to pay taxes though hahahahahahahahahaha.

On the bright side this does pave the way to setting up a return to constatutional and honest money. Infrastructure all has to start somewhere.

All in my hinest opinion of course.


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