Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: Re: News pertaining to Ecuador ........

Shareholders of the World Unite, Bonzai, Geronimo, Viva la Revolution hahahahahahahaha.

Orange, this no doubt is going to come across as very cynical but I am a realist.

I have found in this world that aproximately the population is made up of 20% leaders and 80% followers. Of the 20% leaders it is pretty much split in half between those who would create and those who would destroy. The 80% followers are scewed in the direction of who happens to be leading at the time.

I am afraid the 80% followers for the most part are only concerned with Bread, Shelter and Circus's. If things are going bad they will continue to go that way untill the followers are deprived of at least 2 of the 3 things they care about. It is not untill they are in the ditch and hungry will they then find the will to reverse course.

On the other hand if things are going along smoothly, vigilance sooner or later becomes lax. When it then becomes easier to plunder for a living than work honestly for it well invariably that is what people turn to hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

It is an everlasting cycle of growth and decay.

Those leaders who decide to sound the rallying cry too early and charge off to do battle for the most part find to there dismay that they are ripped apart and have served no purpose other than provide some titillation for the followers hahahahahahahahahaha.

Now I being a lone wolf type am for the most part content to stay out of the way neither wishing to be a leader or a follower. I prefer to go about my business in private while on occasion looking out for the interest of those very few friends and family that I have. Being a lone wolf of course means you are not a weakling but on the other hand you still must be wise enough to pick your fights with care.

Besides, if the small shareholder did unite who would lead them in order that they could accomplish a goal and head in a common direction. It would just be one of the 20% of leaders who would be using them for his own purposes whether good or bad hahahahahahahahaha.



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