Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: GATA raising hell about market manipulation.

Well said Orange.

However the timing of the end of a manipulative event occures when everybody knows and it starts to become a standing joke hahahahahahahahahahaha.

Once every one knowes then there is no advantage left in doing it because there is no profit in it.

In the markets this is usually signalled by a consolidating trangular wedge.

Usually the top players take one last opportunity to paint a picture for those tail coat riders in order to sucker them into taking the wrong side of the trade and possibly lose all there profits they gained by riding there tail coats hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

This is why I have always advocated and practiced long term fundimental investing and never as I said play the Devils game.

You never know when he is going to change the short term rules but even he can not change the basic economic laws of supply and demand.

All in my honest opinion of course.


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