Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: GATA raising hell about market manipulation.


Well I have only read one report on this incident and I skimed it very quickly because other than someone coming forward who is not part of the suppposed gold conspiracy crowd there was nothing new in it for me.

Even if I had read carefully more than one report I would hardly take that as the trueth since it is all secound hand reporting. Who knows what agenda lies behind the persons reporting things these days or how they have misinterpreted what was said to them.

The impresssion from my very quick read was that he had participated in it however perhaps that belief is totally wrong.

The question to ask is why has he decided to come forward now at this instance to get into the ring. He has no track record of fighting the supposed gold manipulation like GATA or many other gold and silver advocates. I think only he can answer that question.

My personal belief is not to get involved in markets that you suspect are rigged against you and if you are not involved in them then do not stick your nose where it does not belong.

It is my beleif that I know at least half a dozen shall we sell less than ethical occurences that have happened in the last year alone but it is none of my business and I am not about to stick my nose in were it does not belong.

This is why I do not get involved in futures or options trading even though I may be able to make a lot of money doing it.

Even though it is my belief that for most retail investor the markets are not fair even if it is just from the standpoint that there are professional hagglers working the bid and ask. Most people do no have the experience to play and win against these individuals. Unfortunately that is life and it must be accepted that in any field there are those who are more competant and experienced at what they do than others and they will win.

Myself I try to play the markets as honestly as I can and that is why I am a long term investor who invests by the fundimentals and knowing what something should be worth. By not worrying about the short term noise which means you do not play it and being confident of your fundimentals then in most cases you can wait out the storm that is bound to come your way in any undervalued valuable stock.

Unfortunately I have on the very rare occasion due to whatever reason misjudged the length of the storm and deployed capital that I should not have and got caught with my pants down hahahahahahahahahahahaha.

Ahhhhhhhhhhh sometimes what seems so obvious in hindsight and can be talked about later on as if you knew totally what was going on in reality at the time you made the decision the real picture was totally opaque.

To get back on topic my trading style is very long term and probably any active day trader has more trades in a single week than I have done in the last 5 years. If anyone wishes to discuss my trading style further feel free to ask.

However I do not think most people have the experience and certainly not the patience to invest the way I do. It has been my experience that most people are only in the market for the quick buck and that is one of the reasons they lose.

As always all in my honest opinion.



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