Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

Message: I Am Not Amused!


so sorry for not replying earlier, my humble grasp of the english language was not able to understand your beautifully eloquent prose.

I am afraid you must use smaller words in order that I do not have to consult the book of Webster so often hahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

My message was just a statement of fact with regards to my emotional state of mind at the time, nothing more and nothing less. Terribly sorry if you read something cryptic into it.

The other day I was rather frustrated because I attempted to assign a small task to a certain individual and unfortunately they did not perform as I had anticipated.

I certainly hope that this individual delivered the package I gave him, incomplete as it was.

This latest small inconvenience just reafirms my belief in the old adage if you want something done right well then sometimes you just have to do it yourself.

I also like the old saying "ask and though shalt receive" within reason of course.

Now I hear eine kleine nachtmusik and so the dance must go on hahahahahahahaha.



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