Aurelian Resources Was Stolen By Kinross and Management But Will Not Be Forgotten

The company whose shareholders were better than its management

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Sorry, I have only played a few rounds of golf in my life....and they weren't good scores!

Yes, most of my time this summer will be done unpacking my wife's stuff....I will have to build shelving for all of her hobbies!!

Don't tell my wife about that bet between your wife and you, about not boring her about stocks or World events! She would try to get me into something like that too!

I only have to remind her, usually, about where all the money she is spending actually comes from...then she quites down some!

As for what I like to do for recreation is fish, photograph, garden, and go to nice restraunts for a good dinner....also like to watch the old Tube!

Best Regards,

Long for Cash....which was always my investing theory, to be a long...but it was also a sentiment, as in I want some CASH to actually spend on tangible objects or services!!

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